Domestic Violence Awareness Workshop

Then I Stood Up:
A Story of Courage, Resiliency and Empowerment

This is a Domestic Violence Awareness Educational Workshop geared toward college age students that dives deep into the:

  • Emotional, mental, physical and financial impact of domestic violence

As well as:

  • Helping people realize what you can and can’t control
  • Standing tall, knowing the signs, being solid in your character, embracing your humanness and moving forward toward your goals because you know the signs, are aware and reach out when/if needed.
About Ashley Gustafson

This workshop is presented in a very open format…other topics included are: effective communication, taking action instead of reacting, setting/reinforcing boundaries, the legal system, credit/financial security as well as hardship and starting over.

This session helps participants become more aware of something that is a situation no one thinks they will ever be in and so often people don’t talk about. Ashley is a Domestic Violence advocate, turning pain into power while inspiring and helping others to do the same. 

Resources will be provided to participants so if they are ever in a Domestic Violence situation they know they are not “alone” and they do not hesitate to step up, speak up and use the tools that will help them navigate through the quicksands of Domestic Violence with Courage, Resiliency and Empowerment.

Ashley teaches the life lessons that encompass trials and tribulations in her daily routine as an advocate for creating positive change. She is consistently looking for new ways to have others think of the precious gift called life and that it is crucial to be yourself and not take things for granted. Her strong desire to provide others with the tools and knowledge that they can overcome anything by never giving up, using resources around them, looking up to positive role models and realizing that they are in the drivers seat to create the life they want is only one of her many messages.

National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)

"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

—Maya Angelou