Ashland High School
Leadership and Communication Workshop
Fall Captains/ Student Advisory Council

Ashland High School

Throughout this interactive workshop Ashley will be focusing on: confidence, character, language/action alignment, building rapport, embracing our mistakes, mindset, attaching "meaning," listening to understand, standards/values, effective speaking/tone and creating high performance habits. She will reinforce the Ashland Athletic Department Values of: RESPECT/INTEGRITY/ACHIEVEMENT/RESPONSIBILITY/INVOLVEMENT as well as emphasize the CLOCKERS Athletic Motto: Win Humbly. Lose with Dignity. Model Integrity. during the session.

Marlborough High School
Leadership Workshop: The Ripple Effect Student-Athlete Leaders

Marlborough High School

Throughout this interactive workshop Ashley will be focusing on: the power of influence, values, getting out of your comfort zone, accountability, communication, embracing the process of progress, language/action alignment, turning perceived setbacks into empowering comebacks and camaraderie. She will emphasize the PANTHERS Athletic Value: Be A GREAT Teammate as well as reinforce the MHS mission to: Communicate Effectively. Think Critically. Collaborate Productively, and Solve Problems Efficiently.

Ashland High School
LET’S DO THIS! Check-In Workshop
Fall Captains/SAC Leaders

Ashland High School

Ashley will be following up with the Fall Captains/SAC Leaders who participated in her Leadership/Communication Workshop. Throughout this interactive check-in session Ashley will be focusing on: implementation, turning challenges into opportunities, embracing the process and power of progress, creating momentum, body language, values/standards, routines, creating high performance habits and answering the questions..."How Do I Make This Better" and "How Do We Make This Better." During the workshop Ashley will consistently emphasize the Ashland CLOCKERS Athletic Department Values of: RESPECT/INTEGRITY/ACHIEVEMENT/RESPONSIBILITY/INVOLVEMENT and reinforce the AHS Athletics Motto: Win Humbly. Lose with Dignity. Model Integrity.

Ayer Shirley Regional High School
Refresher: Communication and Energy
Girls Soccer Program

Ayer Shirley Regional High School

Throughout this interactive session Ashley will be focusing on: the little things that add up to the big things, turning perceived setbacks into empowering comebacks, mindset, resiliency, leading by example, confidence, routines and body language. She will reinforce the PANTHERS Girls Soccer Program Values of: RESPECT/TEAMWORK/RESILENCE as well as emphasize the ASRHS Athletic Values of: Hungry. Healthy. Humble. Honorable. throughout the refresher activities.

Ashland High School
LET’S DO THIS! Check-In Workshop
Fall Captains/SAC Leaders

Ashland High School

Ashley will be following up with the Fall Captains/SAC Leaders who participated in her Leadership/Communication Workshop. Throughout this interactive check-in session Ashley will be focusing on: implementation, turning challenges into opportunities, embracing the process and power of progress, creating momentum, body language, values/standards, routines, creating high performance habits and answering the questions..."How Do I Make This Better" and "How Do We Make This Better." During the workshop Ashley will consistently emphasize the Ashland CLOCKERS Athletic Department Values of: RESPECT/INTEGRITY/ACHIEVEMENT/RESPONSIBILITY/INVOLVEMENT and reinforce the AHS Athletics Motto: Win Humbly. Lose with Dignity. Model Integrity.

Millbury High School
MAKE A DIFFERENCE Combination Workshop: Leadership and Communication
Football Program

Millbury High School

Throughout this interactive workshop Ashley will be focusing on: body language, confidence, composure, language/action alignment, grit, camaraderie, mindset, resiliency and creating high performance habits through sports. The session will reinforce the Millbury High School Athletic Department motto: WOOLIE PRIDE and emphasize the values of: Integrity. Accountability. Respect. as well as how much the little things....MATTER.

Millbury High School
MAKE A DIFFERENCE Combination Workshop: Leadership and BRING IT!
Volleyball Program

Millbury High School

Throughout this interactive session Ashley will be focusing on: confidence, energy, body language, language/action alignment, character, teamwork, creating high performance habits, camaraderie, resiliency and keeping things simple. She will emphasize the WOOLIES Volleyball Program Values of: SUPPORTIVE/COMMITMENT/RESPECT and the MHS Athletic Department Values of: Integrity. Accountability. Respect. and WOOLIE PRIDE Motto: The Little Things...MATTER will be reinforced during the workshop.

Millbury High School
MAKE A DIFFERENCE Combination Workshop: Communication and Leadership
Girls Soccer Program

Millbury High School

Throughout this interactive workshop Ashley will be focusing on: confidence, standards, language/action alignment, turning perceived setbacks into empowering comebacks, mindset, resiliency, camaraderie, body language, energy, grit and embracing the process of progress. Ashley will reinforce the WOOLIES Girls Soccer Program Values of: SPORTSMANSHIP/ACCOUNTABILITY/TEAMWORK as well as emphasize the MHS Values of: Integrity. Accountability. Respect. and that the little things....MATTER.

Ashland High School
LET’S DO THIS! Check-In Workshop
Fall Captains/SAC Leaders

Ashland High School

Ashley will be following up with the Fall Captains/SAC Leaders who participated in her Leadership/Communication Workshop. Throughout this interactive check-in session Ashley will be focusing on: implementation, turning challenges into opportunities, embracing the process and power of progress, creating momentum, body language, values/standards, routines, creating high performance habits and answering the questions..."How Do I Make This Better" and "How Do We Make This Better." During the workshop Ashley will consistently emphasize the Ashland CLOCKERS Athletic Department Values of: RESPECT/INTEGRITY/ACHIEVEMENT/RESPONSIBILITY/INVOLVEMENT and reinforce the AHS Athletics Motto: Win Humbly. Lose with Dignity. Model Integrity.

Millbury High School
MAKE A DIFFERENCE Combination Workshop: Leadership and Embracing the Process of Progress
Boys Soccer Program

Millbury High School

Throughout this interactive workshop Ashley will be focusing on: leading by example, character, camaraderie, attaching "meaning," language/action alignment, body language, energy, mindset, resiliency, and creating high performance habits through sports. She will emphasize the Millbury Boys Soccer Program Values of: HARDWORK/TRUST/INTEGRITY while reinforcing the WOOLIE Athletic Department Values: Integrity. Accountability. Respect and how the little things...MATTER.