NTQ Summer Athletic Fitness Sessions
Auburn High School June 25th-28th

Do you want your student-athlete to improve their: emotional, mental, and physical fitness? I will inspire your student-athlete through various workouts involving their overall health and wellness that will leave them feeling more confident in being prepared for life both on and off of the field.  The sessions do not require any equipment just: a towel and a water bottle as well as being resourceful with surroundings. 


With the sessions, the athletes will: 

  • Form connections with other athletes 
  • Improve emotional, mental and physical fitness 
  • Increase confidence in their abilities and potential 
  • Embrace the importance of taking care of their overall health and wellness 
  • Have the resources to workout anytime and anywhere at any fitness level 

    Whether you’ve only been thinking about signing up your student-athlete for a summer sports or fitness camp, my athletic fitness sessions package can help them be better prepared for their athletic season and life during and after high school. 

    What’s included in the package: 

    • 4 sessions (90-minutes each) Tuesday-Friday ($180 for the week)
    • Can sign-up for one of two available time slots: 7-8:30am or 9-10:30am
    • Proper breathing techniques 
    • Proper form to get maximum benefits from each exercise 
    • Proper stretching techniques 
    • Each session: one focused area, cardio, intervals, stairs, push-ups, abs and stretching 
    • Techniques to decrease anxieties and stress while increasing confidence and productivity 
    • Copies of all workouts with adaptations 
    • Tools/resources to help student-athletes navigate through the quicksands of life both on and off of the field 

    If you’ve been putting off signing up, now’s the time to invest in this opportunity. My best selling package is beneficial for your student-athlete to get started—and keep up the momentum of taking care of their overall wellness both now and in the future.

    Your payment will appear on your credit card/bank statement as follows: NTQ LLC
    Disputed charges will be the responsibility of the customer not the merchant ($15.00 fee)**

    Sign-ups close the Friday before the session starts or when the session is full

    Register Now!